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  • New Annual Report – Edition 2023!

    The team

    IIn 2012, Frédéric Simonart and Matthieu Le Grelle, two friends concerned by the issue of social cohesion, joined forces. Together they refined their mentoring project and defined a methodology that became the backbone of the association.

    Today, DUO for a JOB relies on the skills and experience of several permanent teams spread over different branches in Belgium, France and The Netherlands. All of its employees, in their own way, provide the duos with support on the road to success!

    Who’s who

    Ishkhan Sharoian

    Information Technology Manager

    Axelle Le Brettevillois

    Communication Director

    Frédéric Simonart

    Managing Director & co-founder

    Matthieu Le Grelle

    François Van Vyve

    Marije Pronk


    Laetitia Ville

    Head of People and Culture

    Karen Stange

    Mentoring Program Officer

    Marjolein van der Vlies

    Mentoring Program Officer

    Jérémy Goffin

    Grants & Finance Manager

    Awaleh Ahmed Abdourahman

    Administrative HR & Finance Officer

    Linda van der Windt

    Julie Bodson

    General Director

    Winston Soumokil

    Alicia Eyongo

    Graphic Designer

    Gilles Schoonejans

    Chief Technology Officer

    Clément Tressel

    Junior Product Manager

    Valère Ansel

    IT mission leader

    Marjolein van der Vlies

    Mentoring Program Officer

    Winston Soumokil

    Julie Bodson

    General Director

    Awaleh Ahmed Abdourahman

    Administrative HR & Finance Officer

    Clément Tressel

    Junior Product Manager

    Karen Stange

    Mentoring Program Officer

    Alicia Eyongo

    Graphic Designer

    Gilles Schoonejans

    Chief Technology Officer

    Frédéric Simonart

    Managing Director & co-founder

    Linda van der Windt

    François Van Vyve

    Laetitia Ville

    Head of People and Culture

    Jérémy Goffin

    Grants & Finance Manager

    Marije Pronk


    Valère Ansel

    IT mission leader

    Axelle Le Brettevillois

    Communication Director

    Matthieu Le Grelle

    Ishkhan Sharoian

    Information Technology Manager

    “With each mentoring, the world opens up a little more to me. Other countries, cultures and religions. I learn, I feel useful and I become younger. For them, my network and my practical help is useful, but everyone tells me that it is above all more  self-confidence that makes the difference.“

    Eva, mentor at DUO