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Continue without acceptingSign up for our FREE, INTENSIVE and MADE TO MEASURE coaching program: for 6 months, 2 to 3 hours a week, you and your mentor will work hard to get you a job!
Your professional project
Your self-confidence
Your CV and motivation letters
Your professional network
The way you handle job interviews
Your language skills
Be between 18 and 33 years old
Have a non-EU nationality OR be Dutch with an immigration background (you must have at least one parent or grandparent born outside of the EU)
Have a valid residence permit (temporary residence permits < 6 months are not taken into account)
But beyond the employment results, mentoring also allows these young people to develop many skills that will serve them throughout their lives. After 6 months as a duo, it is estimated that:
feel more independent/autonomous in their job search.
were able to define a career plan with their mentor.
were able to expand their professional and/or social network.
The key to the success of DUO for a JOB’s mentoring program lies in the implementation of a methodology and qualitative and effective support based on eight main steps.
1. Information session
Information sessions are an opportunity to present the project, to clarify the roles of each and to answer any possible questions.
2. Individual interview
If interest in the project prevails, future mentors / mentees then meet an association coordinator in order to learn more about their experience and expectations.
3. Mentor training
New mentors follow an initial training course to provide them with a basic tool kit on the do’s and don’ts of being a mentor.
4. Matching
On the basis of different criteria (sector of activity, languages spoken, personality, availability, etc.), and taking into account all respective needs and skills, the coordinators constitute the new duos: this is the matching session.
5. First meeting
The first meeting is an opportunity for everyone to get to know each other. After this meeting both the mentor and the mentee will decide independently whether they want to work together or not.
6. Signing of the Agreement and the Charter
If the mentee and the mentor confirm that they want to continue together, a second meeting is organised to sign the mentoring agreement that clarifies the framework and the commitments of each party, and “officially” marks the beginning of the support period.
7. Period of mentoring
The accompaniment period, during which the pairs will meet once a week, lasts a maximum of six months. Each duo is accompanied by a coordinator from the association.
8. Evaluation
At the end of the 6-month period, the duo is invited to assess whether the programme has met their expectations and whether the objectives they set themselves have been achieved.
Our mentoring programme is aimed at young people of foreign origin, i.e. all young people who have a foreign nationality from outside the European Union, but also all young people who are Dutch but who have a parent or grandparent who was born outside the EU.
Why is this? It is well acknowledged that having a foreign origin is a barrier to accessing the labour market, so our action aims to restore equal opportunities for all.
Having a mentor by your side really increases your chances on the job market. 7 out of 10 young people find a job, an internship or a training course thanks to their duo!
After attending an information session, you will meet with a coordinator from Duo for a Job who will take the time to assess your background, your expectations and your personality. Following this interview, you will be matched by Duo for a Job with the mentor who best suits you! Depending on your availability, you will meet your mentor for the first time and if you want to continue the adventure together, you will start your duo!
These steps usually take between 15 days and 1 month.
Think again! 25% of the young people we mentor have a higher education degree. In the job search, a degree is not everything. Your mentor can help you to better understand the codes of the sector, share his or her experience with you, help you build a network, etc.
Of course! Each duo starts with an inventory to be made together: who you are, what you like to do, what your skills are, what your priorities are, etc. All this information will allow you to better define the path you want to take.
No, you don’t need to have any qualifications or professional experience before starting your duo.